
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Site: The EdTech Dojo

I thought I would share a project that my brother J. Clark and I have been working on: EdTEch Dojo, "a place where students, educators, and trainers learn about and discuss the application of educational technology and instructional design."
The EdTech Dojo
The EdTEch Dojo
We wanted to create a forum in which we could share our ideas on instructional design and educational technology, and we also wanted to get the expert opinions of some of the leaders and researchers in the field. Right now, the Dojo has three main kinds of content: 
  1. Podcasts - In our podcast series, my brother J. Clark and I discuss practical applications of educational technology and describe common pitfalls to technology use. We also interview experts in the field of educational technology, including this interview with Dr. Kristy Bloxham, an expert in continuous improvement of online courses.
  2. Blog Posts - On our blog, we write about topics that are relevant to instructional designers and educational technologists. For example, J. Clark has written about why he studies and uses educational technology and I have written about why I study and practice instructional design.
  3. Videos - We also provide relevant, useful videos on processes and practices of instructional design. For example, J. Clark created several videos describing the ADDIE Process of Instructional Design.
So, I just thought I would share our new project, in case you might find it useful. It has been a lot of fun working on the project and we welcome comments and discussion with the larger instructional design and educational technology community. All of the content on the EdTech Dojo site is licensed under a Creative Commons License, which means you can access and use the content freely- just attribute your use to our site.

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