
Sunday, March 18, 2012

ADDIE Process - Implementation Phase

This post is part 4 in a 5-part series on the Phases of the ADDIE Process of Instructional Design
< Previous post: Development    |    Next post: Evaluation >

After you have developed your unit of e-learning, you are prepared to implement your instruction. This can take place in a traditional classroom, in a Learning Management System, etc. Depending on the environment, the implementation is different. Here are some things to consider when you are ready to implement your unit of instruction:
  1. Pilot test. If you can conduct a pilot test of the instruction and make revisions based on how the pilot went, you will have a much higher quality piece of instruction. This is discussed in greater detail in the upcoming post on evaluation.
  2. Notify all stakeholders that the course is ready to run. This includes managers, administration, facilitators, and learners.
  3. Select and train facilitator. Make sure they are confident in their ability to facilitate the training.
  4. Gather print materials. Make sure any student workbooks or job aids are prepared.
  5. Secure needed technology. This includes projectors, laptops, ipads, or any other needed technology.
  6. secure training space. Make sure the space provides all needed resources.
  7. Create schedule of training or instruction.
There are likely dozens of other considerations, but the above list should get you started. For a nice explanation of the Implementation Phase, watch the video below:

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