
Friday, July 19, 2013

Interview on Task-centered Learning

My good friend and colleague Dr. Greg Francom and I were recently interviewed by Evolllution, a group that focuses on "Illuminating the Lifelong Learning Movement."

We discussed topics related to our recent article How Task-centered Learning Differs from Problem-based Learning: Epistemologies, Influences, Goals, and Prescriptions.

It is a little odd being interviewed in this manner because the customary communication methods of a scholar are writing and teaching. In writing, I can revise and edit and polish my work. In teaching, I am usually not recorded and am a little less worried about how I sound.

That being said, I feel like the interview went well, we covered important topics, and I was very grateful to have Dr. Francom there - he is a very thoughtful, insightful scholar and a good friend.

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