
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Certified Performance Technologist Workshop

I recently attended the 2-day Certified Performance Technologist Workshop in Indianapolis, Indiana. This workshop is offered through the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) and is designed to help learning and performance improvement professionals prepare to apply for the certification. It's being taught by performance improvement legend Dr. Judy Hales.

Participants at the ISPI CPT Workshop on April 12, 2014
The certification is experience-based, and to apply and individual must have at least 3 years of performance improvement experience. To become certified, an individual must show how they have successfully utilized each of the 10 ISPI standards within three to seven projects. (More information on ISPI's CPT web page).

Me with Dr. Judy Hale, who facilitated the CPT Workshop.
I have identified some projects that I plan to use for my CPT application, and I will submit it this summer. I have been given the opportunity by my employer Franklin University to take a sabbatical this summer, and part of my sabbatical work will be the completion of this application.

The Value
I think the value of the workshop is that it helps the participant to really focus attention on ISPI's 10 Standards. These standards function as the criteria for receiving the CPT, and in the workshop we read about, heard examples of, discussed, and reflected on each of the principles. I also took time to reflect on what projects I would use in my application and how I might present those projects. It was definitely worth the effort, and I feel like I am ready to start the application process.

The Solders' and Sailors' Monument in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana, a very impressive monument. I walked past the monument on the way to the conference hotel each morning.

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