
Friday, April 25, 2014

My 2014 Sabbatical Opportunity

This afternoon I begin a sabbatical with Franklin University. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to improve myself personally and professionally. I am grateful to have been selected by the sabbatical committee and to have the support of the Franklin's leadership.

What I Plan To Do
During the sabbatical, I will complete activities designed to help me advance as a scholar and practitioner in the field of instructional design. My scholarly activities will include the following:
  1. Write Scholarly Articles - I plan to write and submit at least 2 scholarly articles for publication. I am not involved in conducting traditional formal research, but I have participated in some really exciting, innovative approaches for designing instruction over the last several years. I'll probably blog more about these experiences as I write.
  2. Apply for Certification - I will also apply for the Certified Performance Technologist designation. This certification is experience-based, and I will need to show how my past work has met the standards espoused by the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). It'll likely be a fairly difficult application, but I am excited for the opportunity to focus on it.
  3. Visiting Scholarship at CIDI - I will also spend some time as a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Innovative Design and Instruction (CIDI) at Utah State University. Utah State has long been a leader in the effective use of instructional technology, and I am hope that I can contribute in some way to their success, though I am certain that I will benefit the most from the opportunity. My family will come with me, and gratefully we have family that will stay in our home while we are gone. 
In addition to these activities, I have several other things I would like to accomplish
  • Revisit my Personal Goals - I believe that effective goal setting is a vital activity for success. I am very goal-oriented, and I am grateful for the opportunity to revisit my goals and set new directions for myself in my life.
  • Spend Time With Family - We will be spending time in Utah, and most of our extended family lives that state. I am excited to be with them and will enjoy spending time with them.
  • Run a Marathon - I have a life goal to run a marathon, and I plan on training for and completing one this summer. I've begun my training schedule and will continue training for several months.
  • Broaden My Knowledge -I am constantly reading, and I am excited to broaden my knowledge in a couple of key areas. I will focus my attention on the topics of positive psychology, leadership, spirituality, and goal-setting. I'll be sure to keep track of the books I am reading here.

Thanks to Franklin University
I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. Franklin University has been an outstanding place of employment, and I have learned so much from the people I have worked with over the past four years. I am confident that this sabbatical will benefit me personally and professionally, and I hope that the things I learn and accomplish this summer will benefit Franklin, as well.

I will certainly continue to write more about how things are going for the sabbatical over the coming weeks.

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