
Monday, July 7, 2014

Principles of Successful Team Interaction

I have been thinking a lot about effective teamwork, lately. I believe that the norms and attitudes of the people in a team or group have a deep impact on the success of the work within the group. All work can be accomplished in positive, fulfilling ways and below are what I believe to be some of the key principles for effective teamwork. I have written these as affirmative statements and as principles within an organization.

Principles of Successful Team Interaction
  • Purposeful – we focus on our goals. We are not distracted by the ancillary.
  • Respect – we respect one another. We avoid useless gossip and disrespectful language and focus on success.
  • Openness – there are no secrets. We work together in an open, positive manner to achieve our goals.
  • Collaboration – we work as a team. We work to support one another in our work in the program.
  • Constructive – we are proactive and focus on solutions. We focus on reaching goals and fixing problems.
What do you think? Would you add anything else to the list?

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