
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Presentation at Utah Instructional Design Summit

Here I am presenting as keynote at the Utah Instructional Design Summit. 
As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am currently on sabbatical from my work at Franklin University. While working as a visiting scholar at USU, I was invited to be the keynote speaker at  the Utah Instructional Design Summit being held at Salt Lake Community College in July. The summit is a regular meeting of instructional designers working in higher education in Utah, and I was honored to be invited to speak. I am very aware of the great talent available within the group - I know several of the designers personally and have great respect for their work - so it was exciting to be asked to speak and interact with them.

The presentation was recorded - to view the presentation, click here.

What I Talked About
I usually speak about my scholarly expertise, particularly instructional theory and/or first principles of instruction. However, for this meeting I decided to focus on what I believe are fundamental habits of success in our society today, applied to the field of instructional design. Specifically, I decided to focus on:
  • What the Knowledge Society is and how it influences the way we work.
  • How Instructional Designers must adapt their design approach to meet the needs of the knowledge worker.
  • The importance of taking responsibility for actions and living with purpose.
  • Responding (instead of reacting) to the opportunities and obstacles that constantly come.
I enjoyed speaking on these topics and I believe they are critical to success in society today. I will likely continue my thinking on these topics and will continue to write and speak about them from time to time.

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