
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sabbatical Travel: Returning to Ohio

As I have mentioned in previous posts, we we have spent the last several weeks in Logan, Utah where I have served as a visiting scholar at Utah State University. We have finished our stay there and just recently returned to our home in Grove City, Ohio. We traveled along I-80 through Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Iowa, went down I-74 into Illinois and Indiana, and took I-70 into Ohio.

Here are a couple of pictures from the trip.

Me and my beautiful wife Katie at a stop somewhere in Wyoming. 
My daughter CK at the Stagecoach Inn somewhere in Nebraska.
We completed the return trip in three days. For some reason, the return trip was a lot less pleasant than the trip out. We were already pretty tired from all of the traveling, playing, visiting, etc., which made the trip more arduous. It was definitely great to arrive at home in Grove City!

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