
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

ACE Leadership Academy for Department Chairs

UPDATE: Here are my notes and insights from the two days at the ACE Leadership Academy:

This week I am attending the ACE Leadership Academy for Department Chairs, a two-day workshop facilitated by the American Council on Education. The workshop "focuses on the chair not only as a unit leader but also as an academic leader in service to the institution and its mission." It appears that it will be a hands-on workshop including interaction with other participants and case-based activities. 

From what I have gathered, there will be around 70 attendees, and the facilitators come from a wide variety of universities and backgrounds. I am impressed with the credentials and experience of the facilitators, and I anticipate a positive experience!

Why This Conference?
I have recently been promoted at Franklin University to the position of Department Chair in the Department of Design and Assessment. This department is housed within the International Institute for Innovative Instruction, which provides leadership in instructional design, teaching, and assessment both locally (at Franklin University) and internationally (among our many partner institutions).

With this appointment I am working with and leading eight outstanding faculty members, and my goal is to be as effective as possible in my administration - hence my attendance at this workshop.

I plan to write about my experiences and insights gained in this workshop over the coming to days and will share my insights in blog posts each night. I am excited for the knowledge and skills this workshop will provide and I look forward to the experience!

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