
Saturday, April 21, 2012

HPT Workshop: Day 3

This post is part of a multiple part Series on the 2012 Performance Improvement Conference.

I have been attending ISPI's Performance Improvement Conference 2012. Yesterday was the final of the 3-day Principles and Practice of Human Performance Technology workshop. In the previous 2 days, we spent a great deal of time discussing different analysis methods, which are design to help identify what is contributing to performance needs or gaps.

In this final day of the workshop, Dr. Addison introduced us to several models and tools for Selecting and Implementing an intervention. The first tool he gave us what he calls the Performance Map Quick Check (by Roger Addison). This tool can be used when working with an organization to help clients understand that there are multiple solutions to a performance problem and that the solution they are requesting might not fit their needs. Here is a simplified version of the Performance Map Quick Check:

High Rating

Do the performers have the knowledge, skills, and abilities

Low Rating
Motivation-based solutions
(the why)

These solutions might include feedback, consequences, incentives, coaching, etc.

Environment-based solutions
(the where)

Physical layout, equipment needed, furniture, lighting, etc.

Structure-based solutions
(the what)

Mission, vision, values, goals, job functions and tasks, talent recruitment, etc.

Learning-based solutions
(the how)

Job aids, training, e-learning, information, etc.

Low Rating                                                High Rating

                  Confidence – confidence they will perform

In this basic plot diagram there are 2 continuum to consider - the Competence Continuum, and the Confidence Continuum. When using this tool, first seek to determine whether the group has the competence (the knowledge, skills and abilities) required to do the work. Next determine of there is confidence that the learners can apply what they have learned.

Depending on how you might rate the performers on competence and confidence, you would end up with the following possibilities:
  1. High Competence and High Confidence: environment-based solutions may be appropriate
  2. High Competence and Low Confidence: motivation-based solutions may be appropriate
  3. Low Competence and High Confidence: learning-based solutions may be appropriate
  4. Low Competence and Low Confidence: structure-based solutions may be appropriate
Once the client sees that training may not be the answer, it gives you greater opportunity to start diagnosing and ultimately implement the appropriate solution. I particularly liked one think Dr. Addison said:
"It's the questions that drive the solutions... The best thing a performance consultant can do is ask the right questions and then observe to confirm the answers."
Very insightful - I have learned this as a researcher, and as an instructor and I look forward to applying the same principle when analyzing a performance problem. 

*      *      *
So, as the workshop has come to a close, here are my final thoughts.

This workshop did a great job introducing key concepts related to performance technology. I really appreciated the stories that were shared and really felt like I learned a great deal from my peers in the workshop. They each had unique perspectives that were refreshing, sometimes challenging, and always insightful.

I think I would like to a few more stories that related what we were learning to the models we learned. I find that listening to stories that are linked to the tools is very helpful. The presenters did a good job with this, and I found that I wanted more. This is probably a good thing - I am left with a strong desire to learn as much as I can, and I am already seeing that the ISPI Performance Conference is giving me much of what I am looking for.

I would highly recommend this workshop and this conference to anyone who would like to enter the world of Human Performance Technology. The people are wonderful, the knowledge is powerful, and I really feel like I am gaining meaningful knowledge.

Thanks to Dr. Addison and Dr. Lane for a great workshop!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a good experience and that you are eager for more. If you haven't read Tom Gilbert's Human Competence, do so now. Tom's emphasis in this book is on the job level (but, addresses all levels from society down to logistics). Tom is regarded by some as the father of performance technology, which is not too much of an overreach.

    After that, I suggest Geary Rummler's book, Improving Performance, for insights to integrating organizational level, process level, and job level performance.

    While you are at it, read "Change-ABLE Organization" by Bill Daniels and John Mathers. It is my bible when it comes to designing fast and flexible organizations. Also, read Daniels' "Breakthrough Performance" for insights on creating a self-managing workforce. Both books will give you insights you would have thought not possible for an educator.

    If you are short on time, read Timm Esque's wonderful little book, "Making an Impact." Timm was highly influenced by both Daniels and Gilbert (Timm hired them to help him straighten out Intel many years ago).

    You might also find Aubrey Daniels' book, "Performance Management" very useful. Aubrey's book is the best book on applying Reinforcement Theory (sans the mumbo jumbo) and positive reinforcement to real-world work situations.

    If you want more on HPT to read (I tend to classify books on which cell of Gilbert's Behavior Engineering Model or to the part of ISPI HPI model that the book addresses), send me an email.
