
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Upcoming ISPI 2012 Conference

This post is part of a multiple part Series on the 2012 Performance Improvement Conference.

This week I am attending the 2012 Performance Improvement Conference, which is presented by the International Society for Performance Improvement. Since I am fairly new to the field of performance improvement (though I have had some practical experience and related knowledge), I plan to post every day or two about what I learn at this conference, including my reflections on how it is important and how it might be applied.

As is apparent from my previous blog posts, my education, my research, and my career has been focused on instructional design strategies and effectiveness. However, as I have adapted to my new role here at Franklin, it is apparent that I need to build my knowledge and capacity in the important field of Performance Technology. To this end, my administration has graciously funded my attendance at this conference, including a three day workshop entitled Principles and Practices of Performance Improvement.

I look forward to the learning experience and hope to be able to share help insights as the week progresses.

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