
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Galt House Hotel and Suites

This post is part of a Multiple Part Series on the 2012 AECT Convention.
#AECT 2012

For this year's AECT Convention, I am staying at the Galt House Hotel and Suites, sharing a room with my good friend John Jeon. A very nice hotel and we are in the same building as the convention, which is a lot nicer than walking a mile or two (like I did at the last conference).

Some photos:

Me in hotel room (yes, that is an ATARI shirt)

The hotel room

View of Ohio River from hotel room

View of downtown Louisville from hotel room

The Roommate
John finally arrived late this evening after a cancelled and rerouted flight. John and I have worked together on multiple research projects, written an article together and have been good friends for years, so it was really fun to see him again.

John Jeon

1 comment:

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