
Thursday, November 7, 2013

An Evening in Jeddah

Last night our wonderful hosts from SEU took us out in Jeddah, again. It truly is a beautiful city with lovely people. It is great to see families out at night much later than in my hometown. The weather is probably much more tolerable in the evening, and it is a clean, safe city. I'll share some more photos below, complete with descriptions.
This is a photo of one of the larger buildings in the newer area of Jeddah. (Actually, most of Jeddah is newer as it has seen incredible growth over the last 50 years or so). This building was pretty impressive because the building actually became a giant photo display used for advertisement. Pretty mind-boggling.

We went to an aquarium that is housed right on the edge of the Red Sea. It was really cool - we saw several sharks of may varieties. Here is a school of fish.

And here is another fish. (Yes, that is about as technical as I can get in my description. I don't know what it is called - I just liked it).

While in Jeddah, we had two excellent young men serve as our drivers. I was driven most often by Yaser, and this is Ayup - he accompanied us on our trip to the aquarium. We also saw a dolphin show after this, which was pretty awesome. I don't have photos of that but will see if DiAnna, the other instructor working with SEU faculty, has some that I can use.

As we were leaving, I saw this sign right at the edge of the sea. I liked it and thought I would take a picture.

So far I have been very impressed with the generosity of the people I have met, worked with, and been served by. They are exceedingly polite and respectful, and I truly appreciated their generosity. There is a certain sense of security and peacefulness here in Jeddah. The police are present and provide a sense of security. Families, women and children walk freely, and as I have become more familiar with the environment, I have felt more peaceful and comfortable.

Working with the SEU Faculty

I will soon post about my experience working with the SEU Faculty. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been blessed with the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences related to teaching in an online and hybrid environment. I have been working with this faculty for the past four days and concluded my work with them this afternoon. It has been sad to say goodbye, and I truly hope the best for them. I will post about the experience today or tomorrow on the flight home.

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