
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

More Photos in Jeddah

Working with SEU Faculty
I have been working with the SEU faculty for the last couple of days and will write about our work together sometime soon. In short, these faculty members and staff are of a very high quality. I am impressed with their commitment to their students and to learning new technologies and teaching approaches. I am grateful to be working with and learning with each of them and consider it a great opportunity. 

Some More Photos from Jeddah
I thought I would share some more photos of my experience in Jeddah. There are many interesting things to see, and I will share some few images that share my experience.

This is the young man (Yasser) who has been driving me from the hotel to the university and back each day. He has been very professional and negotiates the roads with deft skill. He took me to the airport today so that we could pick up my luggage (which was somehow left in Washington D.C. for the last 4 days and finally arrived today, thankfully). He has taught me a little Arabic over the last couple of days, though I am a slow learner. :)

A photo of Hardees from the car. I find the Arabic script to be quite beautiful and it is strangely interesting to see it on the side of an American fast food restaurant.

All throughout Jeddah there are interesting and beautiful sculptures. This one is in the middle of the roundabout that is near our hotel. I'll try to share some more if I can pull my camera out quickly enough to photograph them.

Here is the diet 7UP that I drank this past evening. Again, I find the lettering to be lovely and I thought this was a pretty cool design for the 7UP can.

Here is a panoramic shot of the city from the balcony at the hotel. Just to the left is the Red Sea. The buildings in the far distance are the newer downtown area of Jeddah (I believe) and the building on the far right is the Hotel we are staying at. It is certainly a beautiful city.

* * *

I will keep giving updates as time goes on and as I am able. Again, the people here have been very welcoming and kind. I feel blessed to be able to represent Franklin University and to be a part of the initiatives at Saudi Electronic University . It is exciting to be a part of the expansion of educational opportunities.

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