
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Running in Logan

Yesterday I went running. It was a beautiful, cool morning, and my training schedule called for a 10 mile run, so I left early, around 7:00. This was my last long run before I run the Bear Lake Half Marathon next Saturday morning. I've been training for about 3 months and feel prepared for the race - my first half marathon.

I usually run in Ohio, and running in Utah is an entirely different experience. The mountains, altitude, and lack of humidity make for a beautiful running environment. I ran out and back on a 5 mile loop orbiting Utah State's main campus - down onto the "island" area of Logan, up to the mouth of Logan Canyon, and across the Lake Bonneville Trail. I was shocked by the beauty of the valley and its mounts and took a few photos while I ran.

A look up 400 North toward the mouth of Logan Canyon, where I was headed.

A little closer to Logan Canyon. This is "first dam" at the base of the mountain.

Looking down on "first dam" from the mountain as I ascended on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail.

Looking up the mountain along Bonneville Shoreline Trail.
Looking back toward USU campus. You can see it in front of the distant mountains on the right.

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