
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sabbatical Update - First Day at CIDI

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I am spending part of my summer sabbatical in Logan, Utah as a visiting scholar at the Center for Innovative Design and Instruction. Today was my first day, so I thought I would share some pictures if where I will be and talk about what I will be doing.

This is the Distance Education building on Utah State's Main Campus in Logan, Utah. I'll spend a great deal of my time here as I work with administrators on analyzing the need for a new teaching center at USU.
I'll be spending much of my time working at the Distance Education building on USU's main campus.I am working with administrators in the Provost's office and will be working to analyze the needs of the university related to teaching effectiveness and teaching excellence. I've only got a general idea of what we will do, but at this point it looks like I will be doing a performance analysis of some kind and plan to follow the general phases of the 2012 ISPI HPT Model.
I'll be in an office in the Distance Education building. Here is the view from my office. I hope I can spend plenty of time in those mountains with my family while I am here.

Me at USU's Old Main building. My daughter took the photo at an angle for effect. I like it.
The Old Main Hill with Old Main in the background. It is a lovely campus.

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