
Friday, June 12, 2015

Applications of First Principles of Instruction Based on Workshop Activity

As I mentioned in a previous post, I recently gave a presentation on how to teach like an award-winning instructor. Award-winning instructors tend to apply First Principles of Instruction in their teaching. During this presentation, I asked participants to generate ideas for applying these principles, and below are some of their ideas. There are some good ideas, here! For more detail on these principles, you might review this page. Note that the examples below focus on the 4 phases of instruction but do not focus on the problem-centered principle.

Activation Examples:

  • Brain Writing – idea in center of paper and pass around
  • Free Writing
  • Previous Assignment is ticket to enter class
  • Muddiest point
  • Ask what you know of topic – what have you done before
  • List – group – label
  • Polling
  • Placing a dot near know subjects
  • Personal experience about something in your life as it relates to literature.
  • Apply real world knowledge.
  • Stimulate how subjects relate to their real life.

Demonstration Examples:

  • YouTube clips – example: Super Size me in 7 minutes
  • Polling – phones
  • Jeopardy game template
  • Students and teacher write a lesson plan together
  • Design an activity that demonstrates what is to be learned
  • Graphic organizers to demonstrate what is to be learned
  • Give a concept and then give a real example
  • Give a live demonstration
  • Explain a real world concept
  • Demonstration - uses YouTube

Application Examples:

  • Use a project working on in real life
  • Two -minute papers
  • Quick quiz
  • Have students analyze information
  • Students apply real world concepts
  • Problem solving
  • They put their ideas down on chart. Paper or in a word document and share it on a smart board
  • They use the information when they write their lesson plans

Integration Examples:

  • Field experiences
  • Create own solar cells –  make models
  • Create project plans or case studies
  • Students' application of real information
  • Role-playing exercises
  • Real world situation where students apply information?

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