
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Traveling to AECT 2012

This post is part of a Multiple Part Series on the 2012 AECT Convention.
#AECT 2012

Traveling to Louisville
Instead of flying, I drove to this conference. Louisville is only a 3.5 hour drive away, so I drove my beloved 1994 Toyota pickup down.(You can see the route I took by reading my previous post).

While on the drive, I listened to a great book entitled "The Power of Habit," a great book that summarizes some of the research on habit formation. If I have time, I may write a quick post about the book.

The Drive:
It was generally dreary weather on the drive down; still, Ohio and Kentucky are beautiful states, and I really enjoyed the scenic, relaxing drive. I've posted some photos of the drive below (though these are not necessarily of the best quality... remember, they were taken in the rain as I drove.)

Driving Through Cincinnati

Through the Kentucky Hills

Approaching Louisville

    I am excited to be here - Louisville is a great town and I am glad to be able to reconnect with friends and colleagues. I am looking forward to a great AECT Conference!

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