
Monday, October 22, 2012

AECT 2012 International Convention - Looking Forward!

This post is part of a Multiple Part Series on the 2012 AECT Convention.
#AECT 2012

In a week I will attend the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)  Annual Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. I attend AECT's convention every year and enjoyed attending in Louisville a few years ago.

I am looking forward to another outstanding experience, this year. In the past, I have enjoyed the following things about AECT's convention:
  • The people at AECT are open, friendly, and willing to share ideas and research. This was particularly welcoming to me when I first attended as a graduate student, and I appreciate being able to approach people that I respect in an environment that is open and somewhat relaxed.
  • The research and technologies that are discussed are often very timely, interesting, and useful. I find that working at the daily grind sometimes keeps me away from what is new in the field, and AECT's convention is a great way to familiarize myself with what is currently happening in the field.
  • Many of my good friends and colleagues attend AECT regularly, and I find that the convention is a great place to reconnect with them and see how they are doing. I plan on meeting many friends at the convention and hope it will be a good way to create new opportunities for future research, work, and collaboration.
Travel to Louisville
I grew up in the western United States of America where the states are giant compared to states closer to the east coast. When I think of driving to another state, I think that it will naturally take at least a day to make the journey, but it surprisingly only takes 3 hours and 25 minutes to drive from Columbus, Ohio to Louisville, Kentucky. I'll be staying with my good friend at the Galt House Hotel and I look forward to spending time with him.

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Reporting on the Conference
As with previous conferences I have attended, (for example the 2012 ISPI International Conference) I plan to write a daily report on what I learn, along with reflections on whether I find it useful or worthwhile. I am looking forward to the experience!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are coming to the conference! I hope you are excited about using the Poken Sparks ~ I've been working hard this week to make the Poken conference hub a 'Grand Central Station' for all our networking needs. Please login and create you Poken business card, if you haven't already! Thanks!
