
Archive: Books and Travel

For several years I documented the books I read and the places I traveled. In 2015, though, our family grew to a total of 7, and I have not been able to blog as much or document my experiences. Below, I share the books and travel I completed from roughly 2012 to 2015/16.

Books from 2012 to 2015

Below are some of the books I have read in the last few years (beginning roughly around 2012 and ending around the end of 2015. I stopped keeping track after a while...).
  • Note #1: I am calling this a list of books, but you will notice that several of the resources are audio programs or even movies. This is just my way of categorizing and documenting what I have been reading.
  • Note #2: Lately I have been listening to my books while walking, running, exercising, or commuting to work. I have found this to be an outstanding way to continuously learn and expand my knowledge.

Books on Goal Setting
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
How to Get What You Want (audio)
Happy for No Reason (book)
Goals - How to Get Everything You Want - Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Better Than Good
The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success
Awaken the Giant Within
The 8th Habit
Succeeding When You're Supposed to Fail
Step Up to Success in Business and in Life
Promote Yourself
Focal Point

Books on Habits and Habit Change
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The Power of Habit
The Now Habit at Work
Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success

Books on Health
Forks Over Knives (movie)
Born to Run
Finding Ultra
Eat and Run
The Body Fat Breakthrough
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

Books on Instructional Design and Performance Improvement
The Systematic Design of Instruction
Instructional-Design Theories and Models
Instructional-Design Theories and Models Volume 2
Instructional-Design Theories and Models Volume 3
Principles of Instructional Design
E-Learning and the Science of Instruction
Trends and Issues in Instructional Design
Preparing Instructional Objectives
Fundamentals of Performance Improvement
Serious Performance Consulting According to Rummler
Improving Performance: Managing the White Space on the Organizational Chart
Analyzing Performance Problems

Books on Higher Education
Ahead of the Curve: Two Years at Harvard Business School
College (Un)Bound
Chairing an Academic Department
The Innovative University
Books on Business, Leadership and Management
The Four Imperatives of Great Leaders
Lean In
Quiet Leadership: Six Steps to Transforming Performance at Work
Leadership and Self-deception: Getting Out of the Box
The Soul of Leadership
Management Success Made Simple
Positive Leadership: The Game Changer At Work
The Best Damn Management Book Ever
The Truth About Leadership
Three Leadership Secrets Revealed
Principle-centered Leadership
The Speed of Trust (Audio Abridged)
The Mormon Way of Doing Business
Business Without the Bullsh*t
Give and Take
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
The Effective Executive
The Education of an Accidental CEO
Start With Why
Books on Positive Psychology
Awaken the Giant Within (audio)
Unleash the Power Within (audio)
Happy for No Reason (book)
The Psychology of Achievement
Man's Search For Meaning
The Secrets of the Power of Intention
The Caroline Myss & Wayne Dyer Seminar

Books on Writing
How to Write a Book This Weekend Even if You Flunked English Like I Did
Shooting Yourself in the Head for Fun and Profit: A Writer's Survival Guide

Books on Thinking and Learning
The Psychology of Learning for Instruction
Outliers: The Story of Success
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Learning in Adulthood

Biographies and Religious Books
The Biography of Spencer W. Kimball
The Biography of Howard W. Hunter
The Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley
The Biography of Thomas S. Monson
The Book of Mormon
Discovering the Word of Wisdom
The New Testament
The Doctrine and Covenant
Stephen Hawking My Brief History
Ghandi An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth
LDS General Conference (Conference occurs every 6 months)
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling
Greatest Americans: Abraham Lincoln

Fiction Books
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Life, the Universe, and Everything
Ender's Game
The Hunger Games Series
The  Giver
Chicken Trek
Harry Potter #1
Harry Potter #2
Harry Potter #3
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
James and the Giant Peach


Below are some of my recent conference and traveling experiences.

  • Williamsburg, Virginia - my wife and I traveled to Williamsburg, Virginia. It was an excellent learning experience, and we enjoyed seeing this important part of history.
  • AECT 2015 International Convention - I attended this convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was illuminating, as always, though I was sick for most of the conference and therefore was unable to blog about the experience.
  • ACE Leadership Academy Academy for Department Chairs - I attended this academy in Chicago, Illinois. There were some excellent presenters and facilitators, and I appreciate their insights and leadership at the workshop!
  • AECT 2014 International Convention - I attended this convention in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a great experience and I appreciated the direction that AECT's leadership is taking the organization.
  • 2014 Sabbatical - I went on a short sabbatical for the summer of 2014. This was an outstanding professional experience, and I wrote several articles, applied for the CPT Certification, and worked as a visiting scholar the Center for Innovative Design and Instruction at Utah State University.
  • 2014 Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy - I attended the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy in Blacksburg, Va, with my coworkers, Dr. David Ni, Barbara Carder, and Amy Vinchesi. It was a great conference and I enjoyed the experience. 
  • Working with SEU Faculty in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - I was asked by my university to  travel a second time to Saudi Arabia, this time from January 17 through January 24, 2014. I again worked with the excellent faculty at Saudi Electronic University and conducted a workshop on Strategies for Teaching in a Hybrid Learning Environment. It was a great experience and I learned much from the excellent faculty and staff at this new university.
  • 30th Annual Academic Chairpersons Conference  - This was my first time attending the Academic Chairpersons Conference. I really enjoyed the experience because it gave me a fresh perspective on how I can more effectively serve as the chair of the IDPT Program at Franklin University. I met several outstanding academic professionals who had great insights.
  • Working with SEU Faculty in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - I traveled to Saudi Arabia from November 1st through November 8th, 2013, to teach a graduate course in online instruction to faculty members of Saudi Electronic University. This is a new university that was recently established by royal decree in 2011. I and several other faculty members at Franklin University assisted in training the newly established faculty members in teaching in hybrid courses.
  • ISPI 2012 THE Performance Improvement Conference - This was my first experience attending ISPI's annual convention. It was an outstanding learning experience and through the experience I felt a positive shift in my approach to my own work.
  • AECT 2012 International Convention - I have attended many of AECT's Conventions and have always enjoyed the learning experience. At this conference, I enjoyed interacting with many of my friends and peers and learned a great deal through the experience.

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